Child Participation
At CFJ-EN, we empower children and young people to actively shape justice systems, ensuring their voices drive inclusive, accessible, and child-centered solutions for lasting change.

What is child participation?
Child and youth participation means giving children and young people the tools, information, and space to express their views and actively contribute to decisions that affect them.
At CFJ-EN, we believe:
Justice starts with children
Children and young people must be co-creators of a justice system that concerns them instead of undergoing a system that they don’t fit and understand.
Why is it important?
Across Europe, being in contact with the justice system remains a challenge for many. No one understands these obstacles better, or has clearer ideas for change, than the children and young people who have lived experience of these systems. Their voices help build a justice system that is inclusive, accessible, and truly child-centred.

Protagonist of the documentary Planet B during our cultural event for the CFJ-EN Annual Seminar 2024

Young Ambassador from DCI Greece doing an intervention during the Plenary session II of the CFJ-EN Annual Seminar 2023

YJT visiting the European Court of Human Rights and meeting with stakeholders.

Protagonist of the documentary Planet B during our cultural event for the CFJ-EN Annual Seminar 2024
How do we promote participation?
Our work is rooted in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and international standards on child-friendly justice. Key principles such as : dignity, non-discrimination, the rule of law, the best interests of the child, and child participation guide everything we do.
In Europe, the Council of Europe’s Guidelines on Child-Friendly Justice are a key reference.
We empower children and young people by:
Listening to their experiences and gathering recommendations.
Involving them in governance and advocacy decisions.
Connecting them with other child advisory boards and platforms.
Organising the Child Justice Caravan to exchange ideas with policymakers.
Offering advocacy training and opportunities to speak at our events.
We follow the Lundy Model of Child Participation, which ensures that children’s voices are heard and respected in decision-making as stated in the Art 12 of the CRC. The Lundy Model has transformed how child participation is understood worldwide, ensuring that children’s voices lead to meaningful change.
It is based on four key elements each which exist in a particular sequential order:

Our projects
Child Justice Caravan
An initiative that allows the Young Justice Transformers to meet European policymakers, share their ideas, and advocate for child-friendly justice. Participants receive advocacy training, visit European institutions, and engage in mutual learning with other young advocates and stakeholders.

Young Justice Transformers
Through our re-granting scheme, we support young advocates from across Europe, enabling them to participate in events like the Child Justice Caravan and contribute to seminars and policy discussions.