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Sub-granting Scheme 2024 - Young Justice Transformers

Objectives of the call

One of the main CFJ-EN objectives is to empower children to have their rights respected in judicial proceedings, to collect in a participatory manner their voices and make them heard, and to build their capacity to become advocates of their rights. These objectives are included in the CFJ-EN’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan under Strategic Priority 1: ‘Strengthening Children’s Agency’.

This sub-granting call operates within this Strategic Priority 1. It aims to increase the participation of children in CFJ-EN’s member organisations. The 2024 Grant Agreement signed between the CFJ-EN and the European Commission includes a sub-granting scheme. Under the scheme,  two to three eligible CFJ-EN members receive a 12-month grant to set up a Young Justice Transformer Group in the country they are based in.

Young Justice Transformer Groups are composed of 5-10 members aged between 12 and 24 who have been in contact with the justice systems as a child (civil, administrative, or criminal) – or who have a strong interest in justice systems.

More information on what constitutes a group of Young Justice Transformers can be found in the Terms of Reference and Guidance Note.

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Kick-off meeting with grantees and start of projects
5 - 30 June 2024
Signature of sub-granting agreement
Early June 2024
Call results published on the CFJ-EN website
April - May 2024
Application Deadline
19 April 2024
Information session for CFJ-EN member organisations
28 February 2024
Opening of the call
20 February 2024

Subgranting Proposals Now Closed

Applications for subgranting closed on Friday 19 April 2024. No more applications will be considered for this year. 

Selection process

Please note that proposals for 2024 have now closed.

Once project proposals have been submitted, the CFJ-EN's Operational Team sends applications to the pre-appointed Review Committee, and organises one or several meetings for the selection of awarded projects.

To avoid conflicts of interest:

  1. CFJ-EN Steering Committee members who wish to apply for subgranting cannot be part of the Review Committee.

  2. CFJ-EN Members who wish to apply for subgranting cannot be part of the Review Committee.

  3. During the evaluation process, any CFJ-EN members applying to the scheme will be excluded from Steering Committee discussions on the subgranting scheme.

  4. The external expert invited to the Review Committee must not have links to any current CFJ-EN members. This, therefore, excludes experts who part of the governance structures of CFJ-EN members at national or international level.

  5. As a recipient of the Operating Grant, DCI Belgium is excluded from submitting a proposal to the Call as CFJ-EN Member.

Review Committee

To ensure impartiality in the decision-making process, a collegiate selection committee reviewed the proposals. 

The selection committee was composed of:

  • Bruce Adamson, Professor of Children's Rights and Human Rights at the University of Glasgow and former Children and Young People’s Commissioner of Scotland

  • Carly Elliott Scott, Participation and Policy Lead, Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ)

  • Mieke Schuurman, Director of Child Rights and Capacity Building, Eurochild

Selected Proposals

On 13th May 2024, the evaluators decided to offer a subgrant to the following organisations:​

The details of each application are listed below:


For further questions in relation to this call, please contact:

Mariama Diallo

Coordinator, CFJ-EN

The CFJ-EN is part of the legal entity and enjoys the support of


Défense des Enfants International Belgique ASBL

62 Quai des Charbonnages

1080 Molenbeek

Tel : + 32 (0) 2 203 79 08


Phone: +32 2 203 79 08

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CFJ-EN is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarilyreflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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